Terms of Service

This website is provided by Rute Marisa Silva Lopes, make-up artist, NIF 224804979.
It reserves the right to withdraw or change this page without prior notice. We advise you to visit this page regularly to be aware of any changes that may have been made to the General Conditions of Use.

We are not responsible if, for whatever reason, this website is unavailable within a certain period of time.

The User, when browsing this Website and Social Networks, accepts and acts in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of use described herein, as well as with all its future modifications. If you do not agree with its content, the user must stop accessing and/or using this website immediately.

No one has the right to delete, edit, remove or modify any data, content, materials or information displayed on this website.

Although we update and maintain the website with great care, the information, text, graphic documents, films, music and/or other services may contain errors or be incomplete or incorrect. We cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use (or inability to use) the website, including damage caused by viruses or any inaccuracy or imperfection of the information, unless such damage is the result of negligence. The information on this website is only for the promotion of make-up and hairstyling services.

All texts, images, videos or expressions disclosed through publications, emails, messages or other platforms used by Rute Marisa Silva Lopes are protected by Copyright and Related Rights. These are conferred to it and no one is allowed to reproduce, in whole or in part, the content provided, without giving the respective credit.

It is only allowed to print, transfer or store the contents of this website or other platforms.